「 投稿者アーカイブ:jmanys 」 一覧
フィルナイトのSHOE DOG-NCAAバスケットボールとナイキ
2025/02/04 -NCAA(大学), ユニ、スニーカー/GEAR
shoe dog, オレゴン大学 ナイキ, シュードッグナイキ。 一番好きなスポーツブランドを聞かれたら、相変わらず「NIKE」と答えます。 SHOE DOG(シュードッグ)は、ナイキの創業者であるフィルナイトの自叙伝であり、ビジネス書大賞2018で大賞に ...
2025/01/13 -NBA, NCAA(大学)
NBAドラフト 2025, クーパーフラッグ, ドラフト NBANBAドラフトは大イベント。 どの球団が、どの選手を指名するのか。指名された選手はどのような活躍を見せるのか。 興味が尽きません。 そして、予想が尽きません。 今回は、NBAドラフトにおける” ...
KOBE STORKS -B.League B2 Basketball
2024/11/08 -Bリーグ/日本国内
b league japan basketball, japan b2 league, japanese b leagueAlong with Yokohama, it is one of Japan's two major port cities. It has long had strong ties with ov ...
2024/11/08 -Bリーグ/日本国内
b league japan basketball, japan b2 league, japanese b leagueShinshu" is a colloquial term referring to Nagano Prefecture, located to the southeast of Toyama. Na ...
TOYAMA GROUSES -B.League B2 Basketball
2024/11/08 -Bリーグ/日本国内
b league japan basketball, japan b2 league, japanese b leagueToyama is located on the side of the Sea of Japan. It’s the birthplace of Rui Hachimura. Overvie ...
ALTIRI CHIBA -B.League B2 Basketball
2024/11/08 -Bリーグ/日本国内
b league japan basketball, japan b2 league, japanese b leagueChiba City is the capital of Chiba Prefecture and one of the 20 designated cities in Japan. Over ...
RYUKYU GOLDEN KINGS -B.League B1 Basketball
2024/11/08 -Bリーグ/日本国内
b league japan basketball, japan basketball, japanese b league, RYUKYU GOLDEN KINGS"Ryukyu" is the name of a former kingdom, now known as Okinawa Prefecture. It holds a unique and spe ...
NAGASAKI VELCA -B.League B1 Basketball
2024/11/08 -Bリーグ/日本国内
b league japan basketball, japan basketball, japanese b league, NAGASAKI VELCANagasaki is located to the west of Saga, making it the westernmost prefecture in Japan, excluding Ok ...
SAGA BALOONERS -B.League B1 Basketball
2024/11/08 -Bリーグ/日本国内
b league japan basketball, japan basketball, japanese b league, SAGA BALOONERSSaga is located in the Kyushu region and borders Fukuoka Prefecture at its northern edge. Overvi ...
2024/11/08 -Bリーグ/日本国内
b league japan basketball, HIROSHIMA DRAGONFLIES, japan basketball, japanese b leagueHiroshima Prefecture is located south of Shimane and is part of the Sanyo region. It faces the small ...