
TOYAMA GROUSES -B.League B2 Basketball


Toyama is located on the side of the Sea of Japan.

It’s the birthplace of Rui Hachimura.



Official Websitehttps://grouses.jp/
What Grouses RepresentsIt was named after the grouse, a bird cherished by the people of Toyama as a symbol of the prefecture.
Team ColorsRed
ArenaToyama City General Gymnasium (Capacity approx. 4,650)
Main SponsorIzak

A club that originated from the bj League.

Since the start of the B.League, they had kept playing at the B1 level but were eventually relegated. However, their participation in the B. Premier from 2026 is confirmed, and they are expected to return to the top level soon.


The market is not large, with a population of about 410,000 in Toyama City and roughly 1 million in Toyama Prefecture.


Notable Japanese (Asian) Players to watch

Eo Java Yoneyama(6-3, G, Sensyu University)

He should be capable of more.


Notable Foreign (Naturalized) Players to watch

Eugene Phelps(6-6, F, Long Beach State)

A 34-year-old veteran of the B.League. He is entrusted with the revival of Toyama.


Head Coach: David Gomez

A 35-year-old young Spanish coach with a coaching career in Europe and South America.


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