
SHIGA LAKES -B.League B1 Basketball


The largest lake in Japan, Lake Biwa, accounts for one-sixth of Shiga Prefecture.



Official Websitehttps://www.lakestars.net/
What Lakes RepresentsIt means the star of Shiga Prefecture, which is also known as the Lake Country, home to Lake Biwa.
Team ColorsBlue, Yellow
ArenaShiga Daihatsu Arena (Capacity approx. 5,000)
Main SponsorSun Chlorella

Originally, the Shiga LakeStars were a member of the bj league.

The club has experienced relegation to B2, but the passion of its fans remains high. They have yet to win a championship.


Notable Japanese (Asian) Players to watch

Ai-Che Yu(5-11, PG, National Chengchi University, Taiwan)

A guard for the Chinese Taipei national team, he is one of the best players in the country.


Notable Foreign (Naturalized) Players to watch

Brock Motum(6-11, F, Washington State)

A veteran scorer who has played for prestigious clubs across Europe.

He came to Japan in 2022 and played for Hokkaido before joining Shiga in 2023.


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