
OSAKA EVESSA -B.League B1 Basketball


Although it hasn't garnered much excitement, the population of Osaka City, which will host the World Expo next year, is approximately 2.8 million.



Official Websitehttps://www.evessa.com/
What Evessa RepresentsIn Osaka, the deity of prosperity known as "Ebessan," one of the Seven Lucky Gods, is affectionately called by this name. The club was named with the hope of embodying the spirit of the city, which is known for its warmth, humor, and vibrant business culture.
Team ColorsRed, Black
ArenaOokini Arena Maishima (Capacity 7,056)
Main SponsorHuman

One of the "Original Six" clubs established during the creation of the bj League, only Sendai and Osaka remain in B1 today.

Although this prestigious team achieved an immediate three-peat in the bj League, they have struggled in the B League and have yet to secure a title.

The region encompassing Kyoto and Shiga is referred to as Kansai, but it currently lags behind the Kanto region centered around Tokyo.


Notable Japanese (Asian) Players to watch

Ray Parks Jr.(6-4, G, National University, Philippines)

Here is another talented player from the Philippines—a smooth left-handed player. He attended Melrose High School in Memphis, known for producing many stars.


Notable Foreign (Naturalized) Players to watch

Matt Bonds(6-5, F, St. Michael's)

He has a unique background, coming from a Division II school in Vermont. His playing ability is on par with Division I players. This season marks his eighth in the B.League, and last season he averaged 16.1 points per game while playing for Nagasaki.


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